Sterilising the bottles with the stove
topSterilising the bottles with
an electric steriliserSterilising the bottles with the MAM
Microwave Steam SteriliserSterilising the bottles with the
self-sterilising MAM Easy Start™ Anti-Colic Bottle produces:
0 kg CO2
Sterilising the pacifiers with the stove
topSterilising the pacifiers with
an electric steriliserSterilising the pacifiers with the MAM
Microwave Steam SteriliserSterilising the pacifiers with the
Sterilising Box in the microwave produces:
0 kg CO2
Your savings
compared toYour extra
consumption over the stove
topan electric
steriliserthe MAM Microwave
Steam Steriliserthe
self-sterilising MAM Easy Start™ Anti-Colic Bottle and the MAM soother with the
practical steriliser boxthe Sterilising Box in the
0 kg CO2
Your savings
compared toYour extra
consumption over the stove
topan electric
steriliserthe MAM Microwave
Steam Steriliserthe
self-sterilising MAM Easy Start™ Anti-Colic Bottle and the MAM soother with the
practical steriliser boxthe Sterilising Box in the
0 kg CO2