Pregnant woman's partner has his hands around her belly and is smiling at her.

Due Date Calculator

Discover your pregnancy due date by entering the date of your last period in the MAM Baby due date calculator. 

Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Even as you read this, a new life is growing inside you. The next months will be full of excitement, new challenges and experiences– especially if this is your first pregnancy. If you are curious to find out when your baby is due use our MAM Baby due date calculator. 

Are you already pregnant and curious to find out your delivery date? Enter the date of your last period in the space provided below and the expected due date will be calculated!

How does the due date calculator work?

There are several ways to calculate your due date, depending on if you know the day the baby has been conceived. Most times it is difficult to determine the exact date of fertilization. Therefore our MAM due date calculator estimates your pregnancy due date by counting 40 weeks from the first day of your last period.

Expert Tips during your pregnancy

You will find all sorts of helpful hints and tips in our MAM Magazine as well as comprehensive information on what to expect at what point. Furthermore you will learn about topics such as sport during pregnancy, healthy eating and how to get prepared for your big day.
