
We promote a bold approach to moving forward and growing together in our work.

We are constantly evolving as a company as well as a society. This works best when we believe in our own strengths and help each other.

Our top priority is the health and well-being of our employees. For this reason, we are continually working to improve workplace conditions at MAM and thereby promote employee satisfaction. Our aim is to be an attractive employer that supports and strengthens its employees in a variety of ways. That is why we promote diversity, equal opportunity, and positive interaction with one another and promote training and development opportunities. Because only together can we advance MAM and become socially involved beyond the company: Working together from the heart for MAM and society.

Employee Health

Our progress: 

  • Promoting Health: Expansion of our services, including regular health checks, fitness courses, and nutritional advice.
  • Accident rate: There were no serious accidents in the 2021/2022 reporting period.

Employee Satisfaction

Our progress:

  • Employee Satisfaction:  A survey in Austria has shown that 99% of employees feel that they are being treated inclusively and diversely, regardless of their sexual orientation or ethnic background. 
  • Benefits: Support for public transport, language courses, first aid training, health care, and pensions, for example.
  • Award: For our commitment in Austria, MAM was certified with the prestigious "Great Place to Work" award during the 2021/2022 reporting period.

Equal Opportunity and Empowerment

Our progress:

  • Proportion  of women: 54% of  management positions at MAM are filled by women.
  • Return from parental leave: In 2022, 90% of women and 100% of men returned to their jobs after parental leave.
  • MAM Women in Research Day: In 2022, 30 girls aged ten to twelve took part in the first Women in Research Day to learn about technical careers.

Social Commitment

Our progress:

  • MAM expert network: In 2022, we collaborated with 209 medical experts worldwide on product development and the creation of communication materials.
  • Sharing knowledge: We are networked with around 11,787 medical experts.
  • Professional conferences: A total of 600 people took part in three MAM conferences in Switzerland.
  • Corporate giving: 120,000 MAM products were donated to various organizations worldwide in 2021 and 2022.

MAM Sustainability Report


Download the full report.