MAM Preemies & MAM Comfort™
(for premature babies)

If you are interested in our MAM Preemies reach out to us via [email protected] to receive hospital samples.

The advantages of using soothers with premature babies

Approximately 10 % of all babies are born prematurely in modern industrial countries.1 Scientific research has shown that sucking on a soother can support babies’ development and well-being.2 In addition, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of a soother to reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

  • A soother satisfies the natural sucking instinct and can improve oxygen saturation during and after nasogastric feeding.3
  • The transition from gavage feeding to breastfeeding or bottle feeding can be accelerated.4
  • During medical interventions, premature babies are soothed more easily5 and pain is also alleviated.6 

Conclusion: Sucking on a soother is an effective and simple way to support premature babies.

An overview of the advantages of MAM Preemies and MAM Comfort™

  • The one-piece design of the MAM Comfort™ guarantees maximum safety and corresponds to the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics (
  • The small shield design leaves more space for breathing masks and other medical devices (Fig. 1).The low weight and small size mean that the lip and tongue muscles are not overworked (Fig. 2).
  • The particularly small teats are very well accepted by babies and are optimally adapted to the special needs of premature babies and newborns.
  • The symmetrical shape means that both soother types are always positioned correctly in the mouth, and this also makes it easier for hospital staff to handle them.
  • MAM Preemies can be custom fitted, meaning that they can be better adapted to the shape of the face.
  • MAM Preemies and MAM Comfort™ are suitable for cleaning and germ reduction in autoclaves (up to 134 °C/273 °F).

The fact that MAM Preemies size 1 and size 2 can be custom fitted ensures that they leave more space for the use of medical device.

Note: MAM Preemies are medical devices (CE) for premature babies that are only suitable for hospital use. They are intended to compensate for the sucking and swallowing weaknesses in premature babies. They therefore do not comply with EN1400 and 16 CFR 1511, and must not be taken home.

1WHO The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth (2012)
2Sehgal S.K., Prakash O., Gupta A., Mohan M., Anand N.K., Evaluation of benefi cial effects of nonnutritive sucking in preterm infants. Indian Pediatr 1990; 27(3):263–266.
3Kamhawy, H.E., Holditch-Davis, D.L., Alsharkawy, S., Alrafay, S., & Corazzini, K.N. (2014). Non-nutritive sucking for preterm infants in Egypt. Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN, 43 3, 330-40.
4Kaya, V., & Aytekin, A. (2017). Effects of soother use on transition to full breastfeeding and sucking skills in preterm infants: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of clinical nursing; 26(13–14), 2055–2063.
5Birns B., Blank M., Bridger W.H., The effectiveness of various soothing techniques on human neonates. Psychosom Med 1966; 28(4):316–322.
6Redshaw M., Rivers R., Rosenblatt D. (1985). Born too early: Special care for your preterm baby. Oxford, Oxford University Press.