10 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Week-by-Week | MAM Baby
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Pregnancy weeks

Pregnancy week 10

No more webbed fingers and toes!

Until now, your baby has had webbing between its fingers and toes – but it is now starting to disappear. Read on to find out what else is happening with you and your baby in week 10 of pregnancy.

What's going on inside you at 10 weeks pregnant?

Your baby is starting to look less like a little alien and more like a mini-human. You can already see lips and a nose on the ultrasound. Since the foetus starts to develop from the top down, the hands are a little more developed than the feet.

In the 10th pregnancy week, the foetus has developed:

  • Eyes
  • Ears
  • Lips
  • Nose
  • Arms with elbows
  • Legs with knees
  • Mouth, which moves
  • Hands with fingers
  • Feet with toes

Your baby is now roughly the size of a little strawberry.

Your baby is now roughly the size of a little strawberry.

In addition to the above, your baby is now becoming much longer. The milk teeth have been developed and can already just about be seen in the gums. Development of the taste buds is also starting. In boys, the first testosterone is produced in the testicles.

The phase in which there is a risk of severe malformations is now coming to an end. Of course, pathogens, chemicals, drugs and other negative external influences can still harm the baby and lead to developmental disorders. But the basic external physical structures are now in place and you can breathe a sign of relief.

The foetus is 25-32 mm long and weighs around 10 grams.

How do you feel at 10 weeks pregnant?

Changes in your hormone status, adaptations to your metabolism and circulatory system are responsible for common typical pregnancy-related problems: morning sickness, dizziness and fatigue, can occur frequently.

The skin is also affected by the hormones. The specific effects differ greatly from one woman to the next. Some expectant mothers enjoy a beautiful, rosy, smooth complexion, while others have to cope with pimples, just like those in puberty. The best advice is to replace your make-up and skincare products with an oil free range, wash your hair regularly and keep it tied up away from your face. It is important, to check that the ingredients used will not harm your baby.

Am I likely to have a baby bump in the 10th pregnancy week?

If you are expecting your first child, you will not usually have a baby bump yet (mothers with more than one child may be showing a little). However, the progesterone may cause constipation and bloating – a bloated tummy can look just like a 6-month baby bump. The pelvis is also starting to widen, so some pregnant women find maternity trousers much more comfortable.

Pains such as pinching, tugging, stabbing or pressing in the lower abdomen are usually attributable to widening of the pelvis and the broad ligaments being placed under more pressure and stretched. These ligaments hold the uterus upright and in position. They extend into the labia and are connected to the pelvis and sacrum.

The uterus is now growing rapidly, so the ligaments must provide more support, which may cause them to hurt. You might feel the stretching when you sneeze or cough suddenly. Don't hesitate to contact your midwife or doctor if you experience any bleeding or are unsure about the pain you are feeling.

What can help with pregnancy complaints?

Walking and other gentle exercises such as yoga or swimming can help with constipation and generally, make you feel more comfortable. It is best to discuss with your midwife or doctor what type of exercise is safe for you at this point. Sufficient sleep and fluid intake can help to alleviate fatigue and dizziness. 

Why should expectant mothers go to the dentist?

The hormone progesterone increases the blood supply to the gums, so they can become inflamed. As a result, the gums may bleed, and your teeth may be more susceptible to the bacteria which cause tooth decay. Your saliva also changes during pregnancy, which can also encourage tooth decay. A visit to the dentist and dental hygienist can prevent problems at a later date. It is best to seek advice from the professionals on how to look after your teeth.

And another tip:

Once your pregnancy has been confirmed by your midwife or doctor and you are given your pregnancy health records, you should start to carry them with you at all times. They contain important information about you and your baby that the healthcare professionals may need in an emergency.

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