Pregnant woman's partner has his hands around her belly and is smiling at her.

Pregnancy weeks

Pregnancy week 25

The seventh month of pregnancy begins

Welcome to month 7! Your baby bump is getting bigger and bigger – as is the tendency to develop pregnancy-related problems. One of the most common of these is heartburn. Some women experience heartburn early on in pregnancy, whereas others only suffer when their bump becomes very big. However, one thing is true for everyone: it doesn't feel good. Read our tips on how to ease heartburn and other information worth knowing now you are 25 weeks pregnant!

What's going on inside you at 25 weeks pregnant?

The size of the foetus is around 30-35 cm (crown - heel) and it weighs approx. 650-700 grams.

Your baby is training hard so that it can do the most important things once it is born: suck and grip. The baby is now regularly opening its eyes and can distinguish between light and dark.

The senses have generally improved further. The baby has developed a sense of balance, meaning that your little one is now able to turn and "sit up".

Your baby is now roughly the size of a cauliflower.

Your baby is now roughly the size of a cauliflower.

Now that your little one is able to perceive more, they will react even more strongly to noise and light. Loud noises may, for example, result in the baby's movements becoming stronger and increasing the baby's pulse.

The skin continues to become a little less translucent and a little more rosy and plump – this is due to the fat reserves that the baby continues to build up.

And how do you feel at 25 weeks pregnant? 

Huge stomach? Cute little bump? In the 25th week of pregnancy, baby bumps can look very different. It will depend on the woman's build and weight before they became pregnant, the weight they have gained during pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid and naturally also the size of the baby. There are just so many differences depending on the individual.

If everything is OK when you see your midwife or doctor for a check-up, you don't need to worry about any comments you get about this. If you're unsure about anything, it's always best to ask your midwife or doctor instead of comparing yourself with other pregnant women around you. No two bodies or pregnancies are the same! 

The average size of the uterus at this stage is equivalent to that of a football, which is why it can often be putting pressure on other surrounding organs, such as the bladder and intestines. 

Heartburn in pregnancy – what can you do? 

Heartburn can occur very early on in pregnancy. The point at which you start to suffer from it depends on various factors: one reason may be the increasing size of the uterus, but it can also be due to hormonal changes, which can occur very early in pregnancy. The band of muscle that closes the stomach and oesophagus becomes "softer" or more permeable as a result of the presence of progesterone, so you may experience gastric acid reflux. As well as the classic sour taste in the mouth and the sensation of burning that gives the condition its name, a sore throat and hoarseness after waking up in the morning can also be a sign of heartburn (the sore throat is sometimes mistaken for a cold).

In this instance, prevention is the best way of getting on top of the problem without medication. 

Things that help to counteract heartburn during pregnancy: 

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently instead of one big meal
  • Chew food well
  • Do not eat anything in the two hours before you go to bed
  • Sleep with your upper body elevated

Home remedies for heartburn:

  • Chew hazelnuts or almonds
  • Drink milk before meals
  • Eat some yoghurt before meals
  • Take a few sips of cream or condensed milk
  • Chew some dry bread
  • Eat some oats
  • Drink tea: caraway, sage, peppermint, ginger – but seek advice from your midwife or doctor first, as some teas can trigger contractions

If none of that helps, there are medicines that you can take that bind with gastric acid. Some can be taken without any concerns, even during pregnancy. Nevertheless, you should always ask your doctor what would be the best thing for you to take that would not bring any unwanted side effects.

Photo: Unsplash

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